Statement from Councilmember Jamie Gauthier on Iron Stone’s Continued Attempts to Evade Community Input

In Council News, Jamie Gauthier by Jamie Gauthier

PHILADELPHIA — Today, Councilmember Jamie R. Gauthier (3rd District) released the following statement in response to Iron Stone’s continued attempts to evade community input regarding 4601 Market Street:

“More than 100 neighbors showed up to Iron Stone’s public meeting last night to express their support for affordable housing at 4601 Market. However, Iron Stone refused to show up in person, and as a result, most neighbors left the meeting with their questions unanswered. The architect and developers — who attended on Zoom — could not hear anything said in-person. Iron Stone also ignored the vast majority of written questions and questions asked by neighbors attending virtually.

“It is my belief that Iron Stone attended on Zoom to avoid having to face community demands and concerns. Neighbors deserve to have their questions answered and concerns addressed. I join the community in calling on Iron Stone to host another, fully in-person, public meeting. Iron Stone and their representatives must also come prepared to answer the commonsense questions they refused to address last night and give every neighbor who shows up a chance to voice their thoughts.

“To Iron Stone directly, know that we will not let you break your promise to steward 4601 Market Street into a community-oriented future. Your continued attempts to silence us are shameful and we demand you come to the table in good faith!”

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