Councilmember Cindy Bass speaking at an event


In Cindy Bass, Council News, News by Cindy Bass

Councilwoman Cindy Bass (8th District) issues a statement on the Supreme Court decision to uphold President Donald Trump’s travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries.

“I am disheartened to learn that our Supreme Court granted the president the ability to exercise a discriminatory Muslim travel ban that will disproportionately affect asylum seekers from certain Middle East and African countries, as well as nations in South America and Asia.

The president has said himself what the Supreme Court refused to acknowledge: This is a Muslim ban. It will have dire impacts on family unification and family safety. This stands as yet another stain on the history of United States of America under the watch of a chronically racist and xenophobic administration.

This ban is un-American, unconstitutional and in direct conflict with the values we hold as a nation. America is supposed to be the land of the free and the land of opportunity. In targeting a specific religion and certain ethnic groups, this ban all but imprisons our Muslim brothers and sisters and strips them of the chance to achieve the ‘American Dream.’

Here in Philadelphia, we know that Muslims are a vital part of the fabric of our neighborhoods. Muslim Philadelphians are our friends, our co-workers, our co-worshipers, our neighbors, our educators, business owners and elected officials. I stand with Muslims and immigrants in opposition to this startling travel ban and urge Congress to overturn this disturbing policy.”

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Councilwoman Cindy Bass represents the 8th Council District, which includes Germantown, Mt. Airy, Nicetown, Tioga, Chestnut Hill, portions of Logan, and West Oak Lane. She is Chair of Council’s committees on Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs and Public Health and Human Services.

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