Amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled ?Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions,? by revising Chapter 9-4100, entitled ?Promoting Healthy Families and Workplaces,? Chapter 9-4300, entitled ?Wage Theft Complaints,? and Chapter 9-4500 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled ?Protections for Domestic Workers,? and by adding new chapters, entitled ?Protecting Victims of Retaliation? and ?Enforcement of Worker Protection Ordinances,? to add and revise definitions; remove provisions related to the wage theft coordinator; add requirements and remedies related to written contracts, me

Establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of York street between Almond street and Mercer street; Clarion street between Dickinson street and Tasker Street; Ellsworth street between S. 7th street and S. 8th street; Annin street between Marshall street and S. 7th street; Ellsworth street between Passyunk avenue and S. 9th street; Pierce street between S. 12th street and S. 11th street; McClellan street between S. 9th street and S. 10th street; Jackson street between S. 5th street and S. 6th street; Cross street between S. 5th street and S. 4th street; S. 5th street between Morris street