In Blondell Reynolds Brown by admin


(PHILADELPHIA) Thursday March 7, 2013—Today is a sad day for parents, students, teachers and all Philadelphians that care about providing the best education possible to our young people. So many children identify themselves with and take great pride in their school, myself included.  The fact that I am a “Girls High Girl,” is one of those defining biographical items that have stayed with me since graduation day, so I understand and sympathize with those who have lost their school. Generations have passed the legacies of their alma maters to their children and grandchildren.  For many, this will feel like a death in the family. I want to express my view clearly however, that today’s vote by the SRC was not set in motion by Dr. Hite.  The wheels were put into motion when in 2010, Governor Corbett removed Philadelphia students from his priorities list and has left them off ever since. As $300 million in state funding to the School District of Philadelphia has vanished over 2 budget cycles, $375 million in new business tax cuts have appeared.  The Corbett priorities list is clear as day, and it is a shame. Today’s decision by the SRC is the day we had hoped to avoid for some time, but as Bill Clinton said so clearly at the Democratic National Convention, it boils down to “arithmetic.”  The funds simply are not there and in the absence of a change of heart in Harrisburg, we must take responsibility to work with what we have and to the best of our collective ability, make it work. Along with my colleagues, we will continue to work with the School District to offer recommendations, tweak the proposal and to offer new solutions to improve upon the plan passed today.  I will be taking an active role in this pro-active strategy and I am encouraged that Dr. Hite and his team are receptive to our feedback.

For additional information please contact the Chief of Staff, David Forde at (215) 686-3438

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