Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson speaks at council session.


In Council News, Kenyatta Johnson, News by admin

PHILADELPHIA — February 23, 2019 — Councilman Kenyatta Johnson (2nd District) issued the following statement in response to reports of at least eight attempted sexual assaults in South Philadelphia over the last two months:

“Women in South Philadelphia should not have to be stressed over their safety when leaving or returning to their homes alone, and locking their doors in fear at night, because a serial predator has not been caught.

“I urge everyone to be cautious and look out for your community while we find this man. Please call 911 immediately if you recognize this individual, believe you’ve come into contact with him, or feel unsafe.

“I’m asking everyone with home security videos in South Philadelphia, please turn footage into the Philadelphia Police Department and register for the SafeCam program at:

“If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, remember you are not alone. Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR), a Philadelphia non-profit, has free counseling services available to everyone, adults and children, regardless of how much time has passed since the trauma. WOAR’s 24/7 Hotline number to help victims is 215-985-3333.

“Alternatively to 911, Philadelphia’s Sexual Assault Resource Center and Philadelphia Police Department’s Special Victims Unit (SVU) also operate 24/7 to help victims day and night. Located at 300 E. Hunting Park Avenue, victims can call SVU 24/7 at 215-685-3251 and go there at any time, they will not take reports over the phone.”

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