Photo of Philadelphia City Hall


In Council News, News by admin

Philadelphia, May 13, 2020 – City Council today released a new Budget Hearings Schedule to consider the revised Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Proposal delivered by Mayor Kenney to Council earlier this month. The hearings will all be held remotely due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has infected more than 18,750 Philadelphians and claimed the lives of nearly 1,000 city residents.

The first budget hearing will take place on Monday, May 18, 2020 beginning at 9:30 a.m. The first day will focus on the city’s proposed Five-Year Financial and Strategic Plan, the Six-Year Capital Budget program, the Mayor’s Office, Community College of Philadelphia, and several other funds. The budget hearings will be held remotely using Microsoft Teams. All hearings can be viewed on Xfinity Ch. 64, Fios Ch. 40 or live streamed at

The budget hearings are currently scheduled from Monday, May 18 through Wednesday, June 10. The exact dates and times, and subject matter for each hearing, can be found in the Modified FY2021 Budget Schedule.

There will be a “themed day” approach to the hearings, determined by the overarching functions of city government (e.g., Managing Director – Operations; Health and Human Services; Public Safety; Finance and Commerce; Planning and Development (Housing); Enterprise Funds; Independently Electeds/Agencies, etc.) Responsible city officials and commissioners will be available to testify on their given hearing date via Microsoft Teams.

Because of the ongoing pandemic, public comment for the budget hearings has been adjusted to meet with social distancing recommendations from the City Department of Public Health, while still allowing the public to weigh in on matters related to the proposed budget. There are three scheduled virtual public testimony sessions. One session will be dedicated to the School District of Philadelphia, one is dedicated to tax and revenue measures, and one for general operating budget matters. The dates and times for each are in the schedule link provided above.

Speakers interested in making public testimony virtually should call 215-686-3407 or email [email protected] prior to the public testimony session at which they wish to speak and submit the following information:

  • Full name
  • Callback telephone number where you can be reached
  • Identify the bill number or resolution number or numbers that will be addressed.

City Council will have all written testimony submitted by department heads, agencies, etc. available at its FY2021 Budget Center:

City Council has also placed more detailed information on offering remote public comment at Stated Meetings and public testimony at public hearings on its website.

For more information on what Councilmembers are doing to fight COVID-19, go to