The Philadelphia Energy Campaign is an initiative proposed by Philadelphia City Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District) to leverage $1 billion in public and private investment in energy efficiency and clean energy projects over 10 years in neighborhoods across the City. The result will be greater energy efficiency in facilities including: all City buildings, including police and fire stations and public libraries; all School District of Philadelphia buildings; 25,000 low-income residences, particularly among aging housing stock and Philadelphia Housing Authority homes; and 2,500 small businesses, with a particular focus on neighborhood corner stores and restaurants.
Over the course of implementation, more than 10,000 new jobs will be created in the growing energy retrofit and clean energy sectors; in skilled trades; and as a result of economic growth due to energy savings. The campaign will be overseen and coordinated by the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA), an independent municipal authority established in 2010 following passage of legislation sponsored by Council President Clarke.
The Campaign’s key goals are to:
GROW JOBS. The Campaign’s goal is to create 10,000 jobs over 10 years. Energy conservation is job-intensive work that requires trained, skilled people and pays a livable wage. The Campaign creates direct jobs through the design and implementation of energy conservation measures, and indirect jobs through the energy bill savings. The Campaign will connect with workforce development programs and employers to ensure sufficient workers are being trained with the necessary skills. This is already a strength in the Philadelphia region.
STRENGTHEN COMMUNITIES. The Campaign will deliver energy retrofits to housing, community facilities and small businesses in neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia, ensuring the Campaign equitably benefits all Philadelphians. The Campaign will bring energy retrofits to 25,000 low-income homes and apartments and to 2,500 neighborhood small businesses.
These energy conservation investments will improve Philadelphia’s supply of affordable healthy housing and keep generational homeowners in their homes. A large portion of the Campaign’s municipal buildings will be recreation centers, libraries, police stations and firehouses that are disbursed throughout the City’s neighborhoods. The Campaign will strengthen important public institutions and commercial businesses that are critical to healthy, resilient communities.

CUT ENERGY BILLS. The Campaign will help Philadelphians save approximately $200 million in energy costs once all projects are completed by reducing the use of electricity, natural gas, steam, oil and water in buildings. Building energy experts have the tools and the products to reduce building energy use by 20% or more without any sacrifice of occupant comfort. New, highly efficient technologies for lighting, HVAC, building envelope, etc. are available and cost-effective. And for some energy hogs, the savings are even greater.
REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS. By reducing Philadelphia’s use of fossil fuels through energy conservation and the use of renewable energy, the Campaign will make a serious reduction in Philadelphia’s carbon pollution. PEA’s initial planning assumptions suggest a total Campaign impact of approximately 790,000 metric tons a year of carbon dioxide removed. Philadelphia is committed to stepping up to play its fair part in reducing and adapting to climate change.
Additional information about the Philadelphia Energy Campaign will be posted on an ongoing basis on the Philadelphia Energy Authority website.