In Council News, Katherine Gilmore Richardson, News by admin

(PHILADELPHIA) June 24, 2021 – Today, Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson’s bill to reform Philadelphia’s minor curfew law and bill to require businesses to share a career pathways information sheet passed Philadelphia City Council.

The curfew reform bill simplifies the minor curfew law by making the times easier to understand. It also makes the law less punitive by removing all fines and changing the requirements that young people must be taken to a police district. Councilmember Gilmore Richardson has been working closely with the Administration to establish evening resource centers, safe spaces where minors who violate curfew can be taken to be connected to support services. Funding for two evening resource centers was included in the FY22 budget, which also passed City Council today.

“Violence is impacting our children at alarming rates” said Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson (At-Large). “Reforming the curfew law allows us to improve enforcement without being punitive. With the creation of evening resource centers, young people and their families can be connected to community-based resources. It is my intention to continue working closely with the Administration on the development of the centers and on an equitable implementation of the updated curfew. Thank you to my colleagues for their support today, especially my co-sponsors, Councilmembers Johnson, ParkerQuiñones Sánchez, Brooks, Domb, Gym, Bass, and Thomas.”

The workforce development and career pathways information sheet bill requires employers to provide an information sheet, created and updated by the Department of Labor, to workers either at the start of employment for gig economy workers or at the point of separation for all other workers. This requirement can be met electronically.

“In order to address generational poverty in Philadelphia, we must tackle our stratified labor market,” said Councilmember Gilmore Richardson. “This legislation will help more Philadelphians move into family supporting and sustaining careers by providing them with information about job training and educational opportunities when they may need it most. Businesses, labor unions, and workforce development providers all strongly support this simple change that will help us create a more equitable, more skilled Philadelphia workforce. Thank you to my colleagues for your support today, especially my co-sponsors, Councilmembers Parker, Brooks, Domb, Henon, Gym, Bass, and Thomas.”



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