Graphic that reads High School Seniors apply to the PHiladelphia city scholarship. Earn $1000 a year for 4 years. Deadline February 24, 2018


In Brian O'Neill, Council News, News by Brian O'Neill

PHILADELPHIA – Councilman Brian O’Neill (10th District) announced that the City of Philadelphia will sponsor 50 college scholarships for graduating high school seniors. Scholarship awards are $1,000.00 for each academic year for four consecutive years of full-time enrollment in participating accredited four year bachelor degree programs.  The deadline for applications is February 24, 2018.

If you would like an application or have any questions about the program, please call or visit one of Councilman O’Neill’s five full-time offices: Rhawnhurst at 7522 Castor Avenue (215-685-0438); Fox Chase at 432 Rhawn Street (215-685-6431); FOP Lodge #5 Headquarters at 11630 Caroline Road (215-437-9167); Bustleton & Bowler above the 7th Police District (215-685-0432); City Hall (215-686-3422).

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Councilman Brian O’Neill serves Philadelphia’s 10th Council District and as Minority Leader. More information at and