Councilmember Allan Domb speaking at a podium


In Allan Domb, Council News, Link by admin

Philadelphia, PA – November 16, 2017 – Philadelphia City Councilman Allan Domb (At Large) introduced legislation today to help the City of Philadelphia collect on millions in delinquent property taxes.

Domb’s bill calls for the City of Philadelphia to adopt a system that would securitize tax liens, a method that has been successful in other municipalities, most notably New York.

Under the plan the City would sell tax liens to a Trust created and managed by the City. The City would hire a program manager and Servicers to work on its behalf to recover the debts owed to the City and the School District of Philadelphia.

“We owe it to ourselves, the taxpayers of this City and the students who attend our schools to collect this money. Our intent is go after individuals who choose not to pay, not those who cannot afford to pay,” Councilman Domb said. “The City already has established homeowner-occupied payment programs and this proposal strives to bring more individuals into these programs while also improving compliance,” Domb said.

Domb’s push for collecting delinquent taxes comes at a time when the City moves to regain local control of the School District of Philadelphia that anticipates serious  financial challenges in the coming years. The School District has more than $100 million deficit starting next year and rising to a billion-dollar deficit by 2022. Fifty-five percent  of real estate taxes go to fund the School District.

Read the ordinance.

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