In Brian O'Neill by admin

PHILADELPHIA – City Councilman Brian O’Neill announces that the Philadelphia Streets Department’s 2015 Leaf Collection and Recycling Program is officially underway. The program begins on Monday, November 9, and will end on Saturday, December 19.

For the duration of the program, bagged leaf drop-off will be offered citywide, on Saturdays only starting November 21, 2015 at 23 locations from 9AM to 3PM (with the exceptions of the Saturdays following Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving). Bagged leaves to be recycled at the specified drop-off locations will only be accepted in biodegradable paper bags. Otherwise, bagged leaves set out at the curb WILL be collected as trash.

Mechanical Leaf Collection will also be offered on a designated weekly schedule in areas with a heavy concentration of leaves.

To find the bagged leaf drop-off location closest to you or to find out if mechanical leaf collection will be offered on your street, please call or visit one of Councilman O’Neill’s four full-time offices, including his new neighborhood office in Fox Chase at 432 Rhawn Street, behind American Heritage Credit Union (215-685-6431). This is in addition to his neighborhood offices at FOP Lodge #5 Headquarters (215-437-9167) and at Bustleton & Bowler above the 7th Police District (215-685-0432) as well as City Hall office (215-686-3422).