Council President Darrell Clarke at a council session


In Council News, Darrell L. Clarke, News by admin

Philadelphia, Aug. 7, 2017 Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District) on Monday issued the following statement on the investigation of the fatal shooting of David Jones, of Germantown, by Philadelphia Police Officer Ryan Pownall:

“Any time a police officer is involved in the shooting of a civilian is cause for a timely and diligent investigation. Because of the circumstances in which Mr. Jones was shot and killed, including conflicting witness accounts and the troubling fact that he was shot from behind, we need a thorough investigation.

“The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office has referred this matter to the Office of the Attorney General due to a conflict. The OAG has taken over this investigation. I am confident Attorney General Josh Shapiro will conduct a thorough and fair investigation into this matter.

“On behalf of City Council, I extend our deepest condolences to those who mourn Mr. Jones. People knew this man, loved this man, and had hopes for his future. His death and the weeks following have been painful for all parties involved. The pain being felt by Mr. Jones’ loved ones must be honored and respected, no matter the outcome of this investigation.

“We must also respect our passionate fellow citizens who are demanding justice in this tragedy. And we must never forget the victims of the hundreds of shootings that occur in Philadelphia every year.

“I look forward to the timely resolution of this investigation, and to seeing justice for all parties involved.”

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Council President Darrell L. Clarke is serving his second term as the President of Philadelphia City Council. He represents Philadelphia’s 5th Council District. More information at