Council President Darrell Clarke speaks at a podium


In Council News, Darrell L. Clarke, News by admin

Charter Change Authorizing New Class of Officers Will Go Before Voters in May ’19 Following Council Approval

Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 2018 – City Council President Darrell L. Clarke (5th District) on Thursday proposed an amendment to the Home Rule Charter that would establish a new class of City employees, called Public Safety Enforcement Officers, to ensure Philadelphia’s streets are safe for all.

“No matter how you get around – whether by motor, wheel, or foot – you probably witness at least one traffic violation a day. We could have the toughest laws in the country on the books – but what good does it do if we don’t have appropriate enforcement? Not only will putting more eyes on the street encourage everyone who moves through our City to follow the rules, I believe it will free up critical police resources that can be directed to more serious crimes,” Council President Clarke said.

Public Safety Enforcement Officers would be a new class of civil service employees that would provide support to the Philadelphia Police Department in regulating traffic and during special events. Public Safety Enforcement Officers also would enforce municipal code regulations to enhance the safety and quality of life in neighborhoods.

Public Safety Enforcement Officers would not carry firearms or have the power of arrest, but rather would work in a supplemental role to the Philadelphia Police Department.

“Everybody deserves a safe commute to work, a safe walk to school, and a safe stroll through the neighborhood to visit loved ones. Increased traffic congestion and risky behaviors on our under-monitored roads are among the growing pains we are experiencing as a city on the rise. I look forward to a collaborative process of refining details of this legislation with the Police Department, Kenney Administration, School District of Philadelphia, and members of the public. Together, we will manage Philly’s growth in a fair, effective, and responsible way.”

If President Clarke’s legislative package wins two-thirds approval in Council, Philadelphia voters will have the final say on authorizing Public Safety Enforcement Officers in the May 21, 2019, primary election.

The resolution and ordinance are below:

092018 CPC Public Safety Officer Resolution – charter amendment

092018 CPC Public Safety Officers Ordinance – ballot question


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