Councilmember Cindy Bass


In Cindy Bass, Council News, News by Cindy Bass

Council passed Thursday an amendment to the fiscal year 2019 Operating Budget introduced by Councilwoman Cindy Bass (8th District) to provide additional funding for the School District of Philadelphia.  Bass’ amendments make strategic cuts to four City departments in equipment, services and supplies contracts and do not cut jobs.

“I believe these strategic budget reductions are a great start to help move Philadelphia in the direction of internal savings that can help fund our School District,” Councilwoman Bass said.  “My Better Budget calls on the City to look at its own checkbook and be more strategic about how much we spend.  This budget amendment is the first step in a conversation about more efficient government spending and funding allocation.  And, I want to emphasize that these amendments find savings without cutting jobs.”

The cuts further diminish the projected School District deficit and are expected to add an additional $12.5 million to fund the District over five years without raising taxes.  These funds come in addition to the approximately $605 million funding plan approved by Council earlier in June.  Bass’ budget amendments also provide approximately $2.5 million to criminal justice reform efforts.

“At the end of the day, this is about supporting the future of our children and relieving our constituents of burdensome tax increases.  This proposal does not raise taxes and I will continue to fight to protect my constituents, many of whom already feel overtaxed, from tax hikes,” Bass said.  “As I’ve said before, taxpayers want to invest in the education pipeline, not the prison pipeline.  This budget plan allows us to do just that.”

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Councilwoman Cindy Bass represents the 8th Council District, which includes Germantown, Mt. Airy, Nicetown, Tioga, Chestnut Hill, portions of Logan, and West Oak Lane. She is Chair of Council’s committees on Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs and Public Health and Human Services.

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