In Bobby Henon, Council News, Derek Green, News by admin

Philadelphia, June 20, 2017 – Philadelphia City Council members Derek Green (At Large) and Bobby Henon (6th District) issued the following statement on the failure of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to issue a grower-processor medical marijuana license to any Philadelphia based applicant.

“We were disappointed to learn that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania issued both Southeast Pennsylvania grower-processor licenses to Berks County. We hope that the State will show more consideration to Philadelphia during the next round of decisions regarding these licenses. Considering that Medical Marijuana is projected to be a multi-billion dollar industry in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia should not have been left out of this initial opportunity to develop jobs and grow local and diverse companies,” said Green.

“Grower-processor facilities provide family-sustaining manufacturing jobs.  The decision of the Commonwealth not to authorize a single license opportunity in the City of Philadelphia demonstrates a serious lack of commitment by Harrisburg to provide opportunities to Philadelphia families and Philadelphia businesses.  We have once again been left behind by State decision-makers,” said Henon.

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Councilman Derek S. Green, Esquire is currently serving his first term as an At-Large member of Philadelphia City Council.  Green is Chair of Council’s Committee on the Disabled and Persons with Special Needs. More information at

Councilman Bobby Henon currently serves as the Majority Leader of Philadelphia City Council. He represents the 6th District.  More information at

Photo: PA Department of Health