In Council News, Darrell L. Clarke, Featured, News by admin

PHILADELPHIA – City Council will hold public hearings on the city’s proposed Fiscal 2023-24 budget, beginning on March 28 and ending on May 3.

Following Mayor Kenney’s speech on March 2 in Council Chambers, where he unveiled his proposed FY2023-24 $6.1 Billion city budget, Council will now hold virtual hearings over approximately five weeks, where they will take testimony from an array of department heads and other public officials.

The first day of hearings on the city budget will take place on Tuesday, March 28, when city finance officials will present testimony on the Five-Year Financial Plan in the morning, and the Office of the Mayor will offer testimony on its proposed budget in the afternoon.

Key budget hearings dates include:

  • March 29: Tax bills (including public testimony on tax legislation)
  • April 3: Licenses and Inspections, and the Streets Department
  • April 4: District Attorney’s Office
  • April 11: Police Department, and Public Health
  • April 18: Commerce Department, Office of Property Assessments, Board of Revision of Taxes
  • April 19: Mayor’s Office of Children and Families, Parks & Recreation, Department of Human Services, and the Free Library
  • April 25: City Commissioners
  • April 26: Public Testimony on the Budget
  • May 2: School District of Philadelphia
  • May 3: Public Testimony on the School District

For a complete schedule of budget hearings by date and city agency, visit the FY2024 Budget Center on the Council website.

“Now that we have a proposed budget delivered by the mayor, it’s time for City Council to get to work,” said Council President Darrell L. Clarke. “One of the most essential responsibilities of City Council every year is to hold hearings on all aspects of the city’s proposed budget. We’ll listen to department heads – calling them back when we need follow-up testimony to answer Council’s questions. We’ll hear from the public. Then once the hearings have concluded, we’ll deliberate and negotiate with our Members and the administration, find consensus, and vote on a budget that makes the most sense to serve all the citizens of Philadelphia.”

Speakers interested in making public testimony virtually should call 215-686-3407 or email [email protected] by 3 p.m. on the day prior to the public testimony session at which they wish to speak and submit the following information:

  • Full name
  • Callback telephone number where you can be reached
  • Identify the bill number or resolution number or numbers that will be addressed.

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