Council member Cynthia Bass speaking at the podium with Council President Darrell Clarke looking on


In Cindy Bass, Council News, News by Cindy Bass

Councilwoman Cindy Bass (8th District) issues a statement on the officer-involved shooting on the 3700 block of 15th Street.

“We are deeply saddened at the events that took place today in our great City of Philadelphia, especially after the recent tragedies that have impacted this country in El Paso and Dayton. An unprecedented mass shooting occurred today involving Philadelphia Police.

Despite the unfortunate turn of events today, it is with grace that the six officers shot and three others injured will recover. Miraculously, the two officers and the other individuals who were held hostage inside the property with the shooter have been evacuated safely. We are thankful for that and grateful to these officers and their families for their service to our city.

In the wake of this shocking event, I will provide victim assistance services to the neighborhood residents affected by today’s events. It is our shared responsibility to make sure every community member can recover from this traumatic situation.

To that end, my office will partner with departments and officials at all levels of government and social services to provide that assistance. We will also work to hold state and federal lawmakers accountable, and to do everything necessary to stop gun violence and support those who have been affected by it.

Tonight we must be united as one Philadelphia in support of those who risked their lives today, in gratitude to those who saved lives, and in service to every neighborhood in this city.”