Councilwoman Cindy Bass speaks during council session


In Cindy Bass, Council News, News by Cindy Bass

PHILADELPHIA – January 30 – Councilwoman Cindy Bass (8th District) reacts to President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address delivered on Tuesday, January 30, 2018.

“Reading is fundamental, not Presidential. We simply cannot allow ourselves to be impressed by President Donald Trump’s ability to read from a teleprompter without veering off into an unscripted racist, sexist, ableist or xenophobic sidebar.

The old saying goes, ‘actions speak louder than words.’ If I look at Trump’s actions, here’s what I see: I see an attempt to roll back access to contraceptives for women which could cost women using birth control pills an average of $255 a year. I see a repeal of the Affordable Care Act and its Medicaid Expansion which affects 700,000 Pennsylvanians and 200,000 Philadelphians. I see a discriminatory attempt to end immigration from Muslim-majority countries. I see a disregard for environmental laws and the agency responsible for enforcing them. And I see someone who, despite having party control in the House, Senate and Oval Office, could not avoid a government shut down just days ago.

Trump said Americans will pocket more money because of the GOP tax bill. But government analysis found that Americans making $500,000 to $1 million represent the largest portion of the population to receive tax cuts. Trump talked about his administration’s response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. But FEMA is withdrawing support from Puerto Rico and four months later nearly one-third of the island still doesn’t have power. Trump said Americans “can dream for anything.” But he has made it his mission to end rights and protections for nearly one million DREAMers, children brought to America as their families worked to achieve the American Dream.

I understand Trump’s speech was intended to unite the country. Well, Mr. President, you already have united the country. You’ve united us against your hate. You’ve united us against your bigotry. You’ve united us against your attacks on economics and healthcare. You’ve united us with determination to combat your divisive policies by running for offices we want to change.

Tonight, Trump said one thing that I agree with, and that we must remember even as he continues to try and divide us: that it’s the people—some of whom are Muslims, African-Americans, Hispanics, immigrants and women—that truly make America great.”

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Councilwoman Cindy Bass represents the 8th Council District, which includes Germantown, Mt. Airy, Nicetown, Tioga, Chestnut Hill, portions of Logan, and West Oak Lane. She is Chair of Council’s committees on Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs and Public Health and Human Services.